Who Let the Dogs Out?


By the Ocean
Cloudy 81 Degrees
2:19 p.m.

Yesterday, the dogs got out and took a few laps around the neighborhood.

They heard a cat, they ran out the back door, THROUGH the fence and went on a joy ride run to remind themselves how great it is to be alive.

At that moment, I was browning a leg of lamb for the pressure cooker, so I just stood there. My poor wife chased down the dogs and greeted all of the concerned neighbors who saw the big race unfold in real time.

These dogs are smart enough to have engineered a system where they get given food in exchange for coming BACk after they do something bad. And so it was yesterday. When they got tired, they returned home for their reward. I’m sure they are already dreaming of next time.

Dogs rule the world. And cats rule dogs. This much is clear.

So much of business is like those moments the dogs had just BEFORE breaking through the fence.

You know there’s something cool on the other side, but you feel the limit of some boundary you can’t quite see clear enough to dismantle. That’s how it goes for us humans.

The boundary gets annoying after a while. You know there’s something holding you back but your mind can’t figure out how to remove a thing it can’t even see.

As far as I can tell, we don’t “break” through these boundaries. Either we give up after trying to break them or we get wise enough to realize WE are the creators of the boundaries and must therefore also be the one who dissolves them into nothing.

The way we do that is to change ourselves, which changes the way we see. And that changes everything!

One day, the boundary becomes obvious, silly even, and we discover we can just walk through the darn thing and go on our way.

Despite what the Matrix might tell you, THIS is how you succeed in business. You engage in a type of practice that makes you a better version of yourself over time.

This growth often feels like the thing we call “struggle.” But that’s only because we can’t see into the future. If we could, we’d understand the perfect synchronicity with which everything unfolds.

That’s hard to see when you’re stuck on this side of the fence!

Dogs break through fences.

We humans can make them disappear.

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