I knew Jason had a material impact on my business (that’s why I keep going back to him again and again). But I just went over my year-end financials and realized to what extent his counsel and copy has mattered – my revenue was up 80 percent, with the same expenses, so profits more than doubled.
Michael Smart, Michael Smart PR
“Back in May, I found myself in a very strange place in my copywriting career.I was quickly gaining a reputation as one of the hottest Internet copywriters around. I had the #1 sales letter on ClickBank, I had great testimonials from high profile clients, and my conversions were averaging over 8% in tough markets. Yet, I had ZERO new clients!
I joined Jason’s coaching program and he immediately turned my head around. We went over my process of dealing with clients and he showed me all the money I was leaving on the table.
Using the system Jason taught me, I quickly restructured my negotiating process, and within 4 weeks, I went from 0 new clients, to being booked 2 1/2 months in advance with 3 new clients, and one repeat client. That was pretty amazing, but even more important… clients now see me as a partner in their business, not just a copywriter filling pages with words.”
Kevin Rogers, Copy Chief
“With about 100,000 folks offering business and internet coaching, why did I choose to Jason Leister to coach me?
Because out of all the people claiming to be coaches, only a handful have actually done what they are talking about. Its easy to tell people what they should be doing in their business. It’s far harder to build a business. Jason has built not one, but several working business systems. It’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Next, take the small handful of coaches who have actually built several online business systems and narrow it down to ones who can actually teach what they are doing. Few coaches are left standing at this point. Jason is.
And finally, narrow the few coaches left down to those who have not only done, but can teach, and also realize that you are unique and need a unique solution, not just be forced into some Betty-Crocker-one-size-fits-all-mold. From my perspective, you are left with Jason Leister as your coach.”
Robert Stover, RobertStover.com
“I’m writing to let you know how valuable I feel my telephone coaching sessions have been with you.
As you know, I’m an experienced marketer with 20 years of consulting experience. Your ability to quickly see through my current process and make high quality recommendations, immediately impacted by business.
You did a great job of pulling me forward to think in a fresh and powerful way. In the last week alone, 18 high quality prospects surfaced that I can directly relate to your recommendations.
You kept all of the promises made in your marketing material. I appreciate your integrity and concern for growing my platform.”
Bishal Sarkar, The Confident Expert