When Gurus Go Blind


By the Ocean
Breezy 73 Degrees
5:48 a.m.

I remember writing to a well known marketing expert once after he mentioned his issues with carpal tunnel problems in his wrist.

I had used a certain set of strengthening exercises to make my carpal tunnel completely disappear. (I haven’t dealt with it since then, over 20 years ago.) So I told him about it.

He wrote back explaining that he was just going to stick with his wrist brace, which he linked to on Amazon.

One result of my childhood religious brainwashing, served with a hefty dose of “how to fawn like a pro and make people like you,” is an over developed ability for putting folks on pedestals and acting like they are somehow superior.

It took me a LONG time to realize this is stupid.

I’m here for truth… I don’t care where I find it, or who it comes from, or when, that’s what I’m looking for. THE TRUTH.

Put all that together and what you get are decades of me sifting through gurus, experts, and authorities, lifting them up to some exalted state, only to discover they aren’t actually interested in the truth, they are just fallible humans like everyone else.

Most humans have learned blindness that they invest effort to support. Instead of looking for truth, they search for validation and verification that their “conclusions” are correct.

Selling to these people is where the easy money is, because once you understand their worldview, packaging a product or service for them is pretty straightforward.

“You want women? Don’t become a better man, that’s for losers, just drink THIS! Now comes in new Razzleberry Pie flavor!”

Unfortunately, I didn’t come for easy money. I’ve worked with many people who are here for that. But I’m selling things blind people don’t want…yet. I’m championing methods of business building many don’t have the emotional maturity to value…yet.

Why am I doing this?

Because it’s who I am. Who I am is someone who can see the way that is COMING. And I’m not willing to betray truth for money. Because that is sad and shallow.

So I’m left with a challenge. To couple WHO I AM with a successful material path through this plane. That’s the problem I started working on about 18 years ago because I couldn’t find anyone who already had a solution.

The biggest challenge in business isn’t selling stuff, it’s being blind. It’s seeing what you want to see instead of seeing what is really there.

What is there is a way, a way to connect who you are to what you do so it can become a powerful tool for creating the life you want.

Believe it if you want. Be blind if you want. Follow the gurus if you want.

You are free to choose. Just be sure you understand the real motivations of the people you select to guide you.

It took me a long time to realize how much that matters.

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