“Stop Breeding…”


By the Ocean
Sunny 73 Degrees
8:12 a.m.

I don’t spend much time on social media, but I do spend a fair amount of time running ads. It pains me to give Satan money, but he’s done a good job of collecting people. And I’m trying to serve some of those people. So we have a tentative agreement that either side could revoke at any time.

While I have no scientific studies to support my conclusion (as if anyone would believe a “scientific” study these days), I can confidently say that the general mental health status of the average sheep is not good…and getting worse.

I can tell by the rate of cognitive decline exhibited by the comments on ads over the past few years.

“Stop breeding” was the first comment I got on an ad I’m running for the podcast I publish with my wife about our experience raising our family of 10 children.

While I don’t usually give angry elves attention, it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse of humanity, even when it is going in the opposite direction you are.

The amount of trauma required to direct such an angry statement at a complete stranger is impressive.

But that’s what we’re dealing with. Millions and billions of people completely unaware that stuck energy (trauma) is running their lives.

So that’s the type of thing that can happen these days when you stand up and start talking, especially when you have something real to share.

These are really angry elves and the first person who stands up is going to hear about it!

These are instructive moments because they cause you to look at the person you see every morning in the mirror and ask yourself what parts of your life or business are running on unconscious autopilot, powered by your fears and energetic programs of the past.

For most of us, the list is still long!

The way you deal with shit like this is to double down on your mission. Grow the WILL to achieve the future you see to such a large size that even the angriest of elves becomes little more than a fly on the windshield.

They’re annoying, but the windshield wiper of life will take care of them eventually.

In this case, I offered the angry elf a free hug but I haven’t heard back yet.

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