Slow Selling


By the Ocean
Mostly Sunny 70 Degrees
8:35 a.m.

I used to work with a guy who told war stories from his business about “closing” $1 million in sales in a weekend.

We did about $1.9 million in a weekend working together a few years later…with marketing and far less selling.

Marketing makes selling irrelevant because marketing IS selling in very, very slow motion.

It’s a different kind of selling than the head-on “I want you to buy this and here’s why” approach that closers use.

This different type of selling has little to do with the seller and everything to do with the buyer.

This selling is also different because it happens over much longer periods of time than traditional selling. It’s far too slow for “alphas” who need the world to conform to their desires NOW because they have something to prove to the world to fill that hole inside of themselves.

The biggest difference with this type of slow selling is what it does to the condition of the relationship between the seller and the buyer after the sale is complete.

Because the buyer sold himself using the marketing as the raw material for that decision, the relationship gets strengthened.

Compare this to what it feels like after someone “closes” you on a sale.

If your role is to be a sales guy, then sell however you want.

But if your role is to lead a company and interact with buyers into the future, then you’d be stupid to do anything that destroys a relationship to get a sale.

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