School Vision and Why It Makes You Blind


By the Ocean
Mostly Clear 74 Degrees
6:05 a.m.

Early on in my business life, I got tired of “working for clients.” All of my blind spots, emotional immaturities, and silly habits (people pleasing) started to get really annoying.

Business IS the most intense educational program available. Unless you’re totally asleep or have a chemical dependency, there is no place to hide from the lessons it brings to you about how to become a better version of yourself.

Back then, I thought the problem was the client. That the whole model was flawed and that I should go looking for something else.

I wanted to sell my own products, not be a “slave” to someone else for money. That’s what I was thinking back then. Ha.

So I went looking for a solution…

  • I tried affiliate marketing…but got no momentum.
  • I tried spotting inefficiencies in the marketplace and creating products to resolve them. No momentum there either.
  • I built keyword focused content sites to monetize in various ways. (This was too boring to continue.)

The problem was that I had “school vision.” It’s a way of seeing I had developed by rising to the top of the heap in the mind prison they call “school.”

When you have “school vision,” you go through life thinking that the choices being presented to you in any one area are the only choices you have. “School vision” is a way of seeing the world where you are brainwashed into believing your primary action is to CHOOSE instead of CREATE.

I lived for decades this way until I realized that “school vision” had hidden the truth about business. That business is the alchemical playground where we can transform who we are here to BE into material success.

Sadly, none of the business books talk about that. Because most of them are written by people suffering from cases of “school vision.” (We’re all doing the best we can with what we’ve got!)

Next Monday, we start Do What You Love and Prosper. If what you’re doing right now for money (business or a job) doesn’t feel good, then this process can help you reimagine that part of your life.

If you think you are dealing with a case of “school vision” and like where it’s gotten you, by all means, keep doing what you’re doing!

But if you want something different, if you want to create a path in business based on who you are, where being YOU is actually an advantage to enjoy rather than a weakness to overcome, then consider breaking free from the conditioning that we learned to keep us small.

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