Invisible Goals and How to Stop Achieving Them


By the Ocean
Sunny 72 Degrees
8:08 a.m.

If you’re being a good entrepreneur, you’re supposed to write down the goals you want to achieve, break them down into sub-goals and then go to work “making them happen.”

January is a popular month for this process. By February, whatever your default habit was LAST YEAR is the thing to which you will probably have returned.

From my perspective, it’s not that list of goals that makes or breaks someone’s success, it’s the list of invisible goals that does that.

What’s on the invisible list?

It depends. Since this is my newsletter, I’m happy to use myself as an example to show how this works.

So let’s look at my own list of “invisible goals” from the past 30 years of my life. Actually, we’re only going to focus on ONE of them. It’s been the top goal for quite some time despite my own attempts to cross it off the list.

Right at the top is an item called, “Get Liked and Validated By Others.”

No sane human would publicly reveal this as an item on a list of “Goals I Want to Achieve.” And I wouldn’t do that either.

Unfortunately, if you look at my words and actions over the years, and should you be granted backstage access to my mental and emotional systems, you would find that this goal has been in the #1 spot for much of that time.

I’m getting better at catching myself, but that doesn’t mean the energetics aren’t still present in my field. They are. The difference now is that I KNOW they are there and I can watch out for them trying to destroy my experience of life.

No human on the planet has the authority required to validate you at any level and have it mean anything…unless you choose to give them that power. And why would you do that? Because we were trained to believe it will make us feel “OK.” (This is a lie.)

My recommendation is to look yourself in the mirror, be honest about whatever items you find filling your “Invisible Goals List” and then do everything in your power to make sure you never get remotely close to achieving them.

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