By the Ocean
Breezy 75 Degrees
6:26 a.m.
The Matrix gives us fake, dead things that are meant to replace the real, living things.
You can find examples everywhere, especially in the world of business.
Matrix Sales Theory says, “He who needs the sale least has the power!”
Everyone knows this, right? Yes! And that is what leads to business owners doing everything they can to project they don’t need the sale when deep down they actually need it more than anyone else.
It’s fake. It’s an act. And should you practice it enough, it’s how you slowly become OK with treating lies like they are truth. This is a virus that can easily infect every area of your life if you allow it.
You don’t need to be a sales whiz to make sales, and you certainly don’t need Matrix Sales Theory (humans are pretty tired of it!).
What’s the “real” way to do this?
Choosing to serve. You become the type of servant that truly needs nothing because you are already WHOLE.
I was brought up in a cult (we’re trained to call these religions) where the idea of “service” carried a pretty weak energy. In that world, “service” meant subjugating your Will to the Will of another. It meant denying yourself in favor of another. It meant sacrificing yourself for others.
Not only is this insane, it’s a dumb way to be a steward of the gift of life. Can you imagine teaching this to a child?
Being a servant is a position of great honor and power. It is a state where you are able to align your Will with the Will of another. It is a way of being that demonstrates your wholeness and broadcasts a vibration through the world that is extremely attractive. (We’ll be talking about this during Do What You Love and Prosper.)
True service can lead to real wealth in a way that Matrix Sales Theory will not.
The world is getting tired of fake. We’re still pretty early though, so plenty of people are tolerating it simply because they don’t know there’s an alternative.
If you show up as the alternative NOW, you’ll have a head start in a new way of being that can lead to miraculous things.
You can FEEL there is powerful life force in true service. And should you align your heart and Soul with this, your clients and customers will feel it too. When you are able to stop seeing them as a means to an end and start seeing their well-being as the true focus of your work, with money positioned in its proper place as the byproduct of true service, YOU WILL WIN.