The Boundary Problem


By the Ocean
Before Sunrise 74 Degrees
5:49 a.m.

One of my greatest lessons in business was identifying the boundary between things that were my problem and things that were not.

For much of my early years in business, this boundary did not exist. Every problem was my problem. In other words, I took responsibility for things that were not mine.

The reason I found this so easy to do in business was because I thought that, by making the problems of others my own, I might generate some sort of validation or approval from clients for shouldering all of the weight.

This is obviously a dumb way to live. Even more, it’s weak and powerless.

The Matrix makes a science of this, of course. It’s one of their many initiatives: to make you accept the problems of others as your own.

We’ll take feelings as an example. One current project of Satan’s little helpers is to build a society where you are responsible for how others feel.

If they can get that, then humanity can be controlled.

If you still pay any attention to the mainstream media, you’d think this behavior is widespread and just the normal evolution of culture. You see it everywhere. John says something that offends Tim and all hell breaks loose. Tim starts crying like a child and John gets cancelled by the mob for his “crime.”

This is not a widespread thing. This type of mental illness exists only within a TINY minority of people. It’s just amplified and magnified by media in the hope that the sheep think it’s something they should do too.

What happens when you refuse to make the problems of others your problems? You free up time to solve your own problems, which makes you a better you, which makes the world better as a result.

Boundaries are not selfish. Boundaries are freedom. They protect the sovereignty of you and your space on this plane.

Boundaries do not make you mean, or cold or harsh or inconsiderate.

Boundaries give your presence MEANING. Boundaries create YOU.

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