By the Ocean
Clear 69 Degrees
5:43 a.m.
A powerful way to build attraction to your business is to develop the ability to talk about the what and not the how.
The Matrix has fostered an obsession to know “how” to do something.
- How can I get wealthy?
- How can I be successful?
- How can I change my life?
- How can I solve this problem I have?
How, how, how.
As silly as it sounds, the worst thing you can do for a prospective client or customer is actually TELL THEM HOW.
This destroys attraction and will drastically lower the probability that you will ever get the chance to solve their problem.
They walk away thinking they’ve made progress, but really nothing changes in their life and their problem goes unsolved.
You can blame them. You can blame human nature. Or you can look in the mirror and meet the being who is really responsible for creating that situation.
When you tell them HOW, humans tend to feel that something has happened even when nothing has been done.
Talking about the WHAT is very different. When you focus on WHAT has to happen for a problem to get solved, attraction to the solution, to understanding the how, remains high and often increases.
I can add a lot of value to someone’s life by explaining WHAT has to be done to build a media platform that systematically attracts clients and customers. I don’t have to explain HOW to do it, because I know how that screws with their desire for actually getting it done.
Some might call this manipulative. Yes it is. It is called “manipulating” for good. I also call it, “not being stupid by being blind to human nature.” If you truly want to serve the world, then acting in alignment with a deeper understanding of human nature will allow you to serve better, more often, more easily.
You would think that making something someone wants is the most challenging part of business. In my experience, it’s helping humans get out of their own way that’s far more difficult.
Talking about the WHAT helps people do that. Unfortunately, the Matrix is very talented at molding insecure mind slaves who think that revealing “how to do something” makes them look more valuable to their prospective buyers.
It doesn’t. It kills attraction, lowers your perceived value and increases the chances your buyers will turn around and find someone else…someone for whom they feel that force pulling them towards the sale.
When you’re dealing with humans, rationale and logic are the overlay we use to hide the truth about a decision making process that is governed by forces most people never take the time to understand.
If you really want to serve people, you have to understand them.