By the Ocean
Sunny 71 Degrees
7:26 a.m.
As with most everything in business, the real trouble starts when we go looking for the right answers to the wrong questions.
No one ever mentioned that “what do you want to do when you grow up?” is the wrong question.
Since you can’t live in the future, it’s a crazy place to go to find the truth about anything. You find the truth in the now, inside what you’re feeling now, inside what the Universe is showing you now, inside the attraction you have to certain things, certain people…now.
These are all clues supplied by your internal navigation system tasked with leading you to your destiny. Everyone’s destiny is different. We’re not all here to be billionaires.
No one teaches us to decipher these clues. Instead, we are taught to ignore them and pledge our allegiance to the almighty mind, the most programmable bio-computer ever known to Man.
With all of the programming our minds have received from the Matrix system, how can you even trust what you’re thinking? How do you even know it’s not just the result of trauma you haven’t dealt with, fear you pretend doesn’t exist, deep emotional needs you haven’t yet developed the skills to meet?
That’s why the journey to your truth in business requires far more than thinking. Far more than strategy. Far more than the lists of pros and cons your mind demands from you to make its choices.
“Who do you want to BE?” is a better question to start asking. That comes with a vibration, a feeling. Consider it packaged energetic truth.
Once you feel who you want to be, it’s much easier to start answering the other questions, like “what do you want to do?”
You just ask yourself, what would that BEING….DO?
And you go from there.
As far as I can tell, succeeding in business is not inherently hard. We MAKE it hard by our lack of understanding of ourselves, who we want to be and how to use that understanding to navigate on the path that is right for us.