By the Ocean
Sunny 70 Degrees
8:08 a.m.
Mastery is a hard sell. So if you’re depending on your buyers to want it, you might starve. Ask me how I know!
The problem is that mastery can’t be bought. It must be lived. And that takes time, and effort, and focus, and the ability to not be distracted by new and shiny objects floating by.
In this current day and age, all of these things are boring. They don’t trigger dopamine. They don’t make for good social media content. They certainly won’t go “viral.” In fact, there’s virtually no immediate payoff at all.
There is only the work. And the daily decision about doing it or not.
The “few” are the ones who do it. Who actually do the work. Then you’ve got the people who just skim along the surface, jumping from one guru’s launch to the next, wondering why nothing gets accomplished after 5, 10, even 15 years of “hard work.”
It’s because it’s not work, it’s avoiding work.
You carry within you, right now, the ability to impact lives in ways that no one else on this plane can.
Life is about discovering what that ability is, activating it, developing it into a powerful tool, and turning it outward to serve.
That’s “the work.” Fortunately, this can lead to money! Even lots of it! Especially when you are strategic about how your ability is focused, packaged and delivered to the world.
The funny part is that this process rarely feels exciting when you’re in it. In fact, there might be a lot of resistance to it. But that’s learned. That’s conditioning. That’s the program. It is sitting as a barrier between you and your destiny.
Doing the work is what stands between you and the real life you came to live. It’s the price you pay for discovering just how magical and powerful you really are.