Turning Up the Volume


By the Ocean
Partly CLoudy 69 Degrees
8:31 a.m.

The more powerful your ideas become, the less physical effort is required to create results.

When you tell people what you do, one of two things generally happens…

Either their eyes glaze over as they nod and even find themselves having to yawn right in your face.


They lean in, come alive, and ask you to tell them more about that.

The good news is that which of those things happens is pretty much under your control! It depends on how BIG your ideas are and how much energy they contain.

The Matrix trains us to use the pre-approved descriptions for the value we provide to the world so that we can easily fit into a box that can be manipulated and controlled.

“I provide accounting services to small businesses in the medical industry.”

This is boring. Devoid of life force. It is an approach that creates a way for you to make YOUR OWN BEING feel like little more than a meaningless cog in a wheel that doesn’t matter. It’s a form of learned slavery that is invisible to most.

No human being came to be a slave. So that’s not an effective method for creating anything great.

Bigger ideas lead to more power. Bigger ideas are the product of the empathy you have for your buyer AND the mythos you embody about the mission YOU are on.

You didn’t come to fit in a box someone else made. You are here to dream a box into existence that never existed before!

You are on an adventure, in the middle of your own movie, moving towards the goals and achievements the Universe has set in your path. You are living the hero’s journey. We all are!

Does it feel that exciting?

Or does it just feel like Wednesday? That’s what the Matrix wants. It wants you living a normal Wednesday, looking forward to Friday, so you can finally “have fun” on the TWO DAYS of the week that are appropriate for such behavior.

When you realize that you came to do something important, and you figure out exactly what that is…the ENERGY WILL SHOW UP.

Get your mission clear in your mind. It creates an energy, an urgency, a force of power that people can FEEL.

They can feel it through your marketing, on your website, in the way you speak on the phone…and in everything you do.

You have the power to turn UP the volume on YOU.

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