When It Isn’t Working


By the Ocean
Cloudy 72 Degrees
7:18 a.m.

If your business isn’t “working,” there are only so many places the problem might be found.

  • It’s possible you’re talking to the wrong people.
  • It’s possible you’re solving the wrong problem.
  • It’s possible the WAY you’re solving the problem isn’t what the world wants right now.
  • It’s possible that whatever is not working is exactly how it’s supposed to go for you and that your ego is really the only problem you’ve got because it keeps insisting things should be different.
  • And my personal favorite, it’s possible you’re about 10 years early for what you have to share with the world…

Of course, you could be dealing with all of these issues at once. That would be fun!

With so many possible places for business to go “wrong,” it makes sense that you would get extremely clear on the parts of it that you can control to go right.

One of those areas is WHAT YOU WANT.

What you want is a funny thing though. Because it’s hard to get what you want if you’re not honest with yourself about what you want.

The business gurus, books, courses and endless videos online tell you what you’re supposed to want.

But what are the chances that what you want is what other people want?

The more you think about it, the more honest you get with yourself, the less interested in the opinion’s of others you become, you might realize that the actions you’re taking in your business don’t actually match up with what you actually want.

And that’s probably the biggest problem most of us have.

We want success. But why? And for what? And what does “success” even mean?

Your answer has nothing to do with anyone else. No one else even gets a vote! What you want is what matters.

Getting clear on that is one way to bring into focus exactly what you should be doing from day to day.

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