What Makes You Unique


By the Ocean
Cool and Breezy 67 Degrees
6:03 a.m.

When I first started using Human Design in my work with clients, I only revealed it to the people I felt had the most open of minds.

Not everyone is ready to receive counsel based on a cosmic revelation delivered to some random guy living alone on an island!

The problem is that it’s accurate. And extremely practical. And very helpful. That’s what messes with the heads of people who can’t conceive that the world might be far more magical than what they were told.

Human Design isn’t magical, of course. It’s just a way of speaking about energy. Specifically, how energy moves through your body and what that means for how you’re wired to make the right decisions for you.

This is why it’s important in business. Because it helps you understand how to navigate the world of decisions. Decisions are the building blocks of success.

The difference between you and everyone else comes down to WHO YOU ARE and the DECISIONS YOU MAKE.

Human Design offers knowledge, specific to YOU, in both of those areas. It’s an extremely valuable tool for positioning, marketing, and developing a deep understanding about what makes you unique.

These days, I no longer have reservations about using this tool with every client I work with. If they think that’s weird, then we’re probably not a good fit!

The better you KNOW you, the better you can BE you, and the less time you waste trying to be someone else.

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