Selling to Overweight Dogs


By the Ocean
Cloudy 70 Degrees
7:04 a.m.

If you’re a personal trainer for pets and you give a presentation to a room full of overweight dogs about the health benefits of staying trim, you might walk away with lots of new clients.

Unless those happen to be the dogs that want to be influencers on Instagram, the dogs that go under the knife for the tummy tucks, and are on a regular Botox regimen to make sure the wrinkles don’t come out at the dog park.

If the room is full of THOSE dogs, you’ll probably walk away with nothing. Because they’re not interested in health, they’re interested in how they look and what other dogs think about it.

That is the power of the package you wrap around what you do.

  • With the wrong package, you struggle.
  • With the right package, there is flow.

The question is, what is the right package to wrap around what you offer to the world? The package is what focuses the problem you solve so that certain people see it and say, “that’s for me!”

In our silly dog example, it’s the same personal trainer. You could help dogs get healthy or you could help them look great…all with the very same service.

But offering the world something it does not want is frustrating. Ask me how I know!

You don’t necessarily have to change what you do.

The points of leverage are found in how it’s packaged, and what and who it’s for and not for.

The good news is that a lack of clarity in this area doesn’t stop you from growing your business. Because your systems are independent of the meaning they carry.

So your “package” can change and your media platform you publish (newsletter, podcast, etc.) can continue through it all.

The relationships you have with people in the world can grow while you optimize exactly how you need to show up to make an impact.

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