Here’s What I Want From You Today


By the Ocean
Clear 65 Degrees
7:19 a.m.

Here’s what I want from you today…

This is what most “marketing” messages you receive are saying. They use various levels of strategy, tactic and psychology to deliver a request from the sender about how YOU can add value to his life.

  • 20% off through Friday…
  • We have four of these left…
  • Enrollment closes next Tuesday!

Marketing is the art of make selling irrelevant.

But for some reason, marketing has become rather synonymous with selling. So much so that, I’m not sure that most people know which thing they are doing at which time.

You can see the proof in your inbox every day.

If you want to stick out, don’t show up like that. You need to do something different.

SERVING is a profitable alternative.

In business, you’re serving people at every level. Sometimes you’re serving them for free, other times you’re exchanging money.

WHAT YOU DO doesn’t change though. You leave their world better AFTER every interaction you have than it was before. That’s the goal. That’s service.

This doesn’t mean selling isn’t happening. It’s just that you’re not the one who is doing it.

Your reader, viewer, listener is doing it…to themselves.

That seems like the right person for the job!

“How can I be of service?” is always the right question to ask, whether you’re doing it for free or doing it for millions.

That means that “marketing” is simply service…usually of the many.

To serve, you must understand. To understand, you must think about them and not you. All of these things lead to success.

You get success by helping others. That’s how it’s been, that’s how it will be.

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Each day, I send an email to business owners across the world where I talk about various parts of the journey to preeminence and success in the marketplace. Some days, the focus is strategy. Other days, the focus is messaging and positioning. Still other days, the topic involves the systems and processes required to move your business to the next level. To get on the list to receive the next issue, enter your information below: