By the Ocean
Rain 72 Degrees
6:13 a.m.
What matters most in any “expert” type business? It’s WHO you choose to work with. It’s WHO you choose to offer a portion of your life. It’s the QUALITY of the human you choose to surround yourself with on a daily basis.
This business is a never ending journey of working with better people over time.
Trying to do that is usually where the problems begin!
We’re trained to feel REALLY weird about thinking like this. We’re supposed to walk around feeling like we are worthless dirt. That we should thank our lucky stars for the honor of working for peanuts and toiling in the coal mine until it’s time for dinner.
This view of yourself is an obstacle to wholeness. It is an obstacle to success. And even in the face of real achievement, this program, left unresolved, will plague your every waking hour if you allow it to.
Worst of all, this view of yourself is a program that you were not born with. IT WAS INSTALLED.
If you surround yourself with “losers,” you will hate your business.
You will think that, one day, winners will have to come along when you finally “deserve” to work with them.
But they can’t come along, because you’re busy, working with people you have no business working with.
We all know why it happens. Why you would possibly choose to work with sub-par people. It happens when the SUPPLY of you exceeds the DEMAND for you.
When that’s the case, the monkey mind jumps in and triggers the program. It says, “See, you DO suck, just look at the proof. They act like you don’t even exist! No one knows you’re alive!”
And this brings us to what you might call the Point of Power. This is the moment you get to choose who and what is in control of your life:
Is it the program? Or is it YOU?
At one level, business is simple:
- Solve a problem worth solving for people who want to pay for that solution.
- Offer a solution that is somehow better/different than the other choices.
- Go pitch a tent in front of the people you could help solve this problem and start talking.
It’s this last step where it’s easy to get tripped up. You’re not trying to sell yourself. You’re not trying to convince people to work with you. When you want to attract high-quality people, you don’t annoy them to the sale, you attract them to it.
What you’re actually doing is engaging in strategic activities that work towards making sure the DEMAND for you exceeds the SUPPLY of you.
Demand creation is the art of becoming something or someone people want.
This doesn’t mean you have to change yourself or be a chameleon. It means you have to understand which version of the truth about you and what you have best speaks to the needs of the people you want to serve.