I spent about 10 years of my life in business thinking that I had to make a choice between doing something I loved to do and doing something that would actually create money.

I didn’t see a path that would allow me to do both.

After a while, that got really annoying. And being the obstinate, independent, willful being that I am, I set off to figure out how to do this thing that so many people though was ridiculous, naive and short-sighted.

That’s what I’ve been figuring out for the past 15 years.

Matrix Programming

Do you really think you’re here to do stuff you don’t love just to get money so you can pay bills?

Do you really think you came here to spend 4, 6, 8 even 10 hours a day doing something that doesn’t fill you with energy? Is that being a good steward of your life? Is that showing true appreciation for the gifts you’ve been given?

The Matrix will tell you there are just some things you “have” to do. I’m not a big fan of the Matrix. Primarily because it seems to cause a level of disease, death, destruction and misery that humans shouldn’t tolerate.

It’s up to you if you want to listen to what the Matrix says about how you should live. I’m here for the people who want something better.

You Are Not Here to Struggle, You Are Not Here to Be Miserable, You Are Here To Make the World a Better Place Because You Are In It

Why are kids trained to go to school, go to college and get a good job? Because the “powers that were” need to co-opt the power of the masses in order to reach their goals.

And while there are far too many people to do that by force, numbers are irrelevant when you are capable of controlling someone’s mind and their belief in possibility. That’s why “schooling” was created:

  • Not to teach kids, but to control their behavior.
  • Not to free their minds, but to program them for the future.
  • Not to celebrate their vibrant and unique spirit, but to hide it so it might never be discovered.

I was one of those “Straight A Sheep,” trained and ready to be a slave. But then something broke on the inside and I woke up.

I have no idea what happened but I just lost interest in what I was trained to want or do or achieve in my life. It became very clear to me that trying to get “picked” by my list of achievements or the world’s greatest resume or “networking” was just another version of slavery installed as the new normal.

Spending Your Days Doing What You Hate For Money is NOT Normal

There is a better way. And that way is unique to you. The way forward is found at the intersection of what you love to do and the problems in the world that need to be solved.

You structure things so your work is done in service to the greater good of everyone, including YOU.

This is “business” to me. It’s not about getting rich, although that can happen. It’s not about becoming popular or famous, although that can happen as well. Business is about making someone else’s life better in a way where you are also rewarded on multiple levels.

Do What You Love and Prosper

“Do What You Love and Prosper” is my framework for helping people do what they love to do in a way that can be materially successful.

Some people might refer to this as building a business, but I think that doesn’t begin to get at the real depth of the issue. Spending your days doing what you enjoy AND benefiting in a material way at the same time is a much more fulfilling way to go through life.

You stop chasing the future. You stop putting off living and start appreciating each moment of your life because you are enjoying each moment of your life.

I’ve helped a lot of people down this path and now I’m offering it to you.

Putting the Framework to Work in the Real World

Over an eight week period, we’ll walk through each part of the “Do What You Love and Prosper Framework.” It’s kind of like a 60 day coaching/advisory program where you will receive weekly material that walks you through each step of the process as well as my private feedback on the work you submit.

At the end of the eight weeks, we’ll have a one-on-one, 30 minute phone consultation to review your progress, answer any questions and make sure you are clear about how to implement the plan you created.

Enrollment for the eight weeks is $1497. If you’re the type of person who enrolls in programs and never does anything, this is not for you.

If You Truly Believe You Were Put Here To Do More Than Just Pay the Bills, Now Is a Good Time to Do Something About It

During our eight weeks together, you’ll discover a practical method for building a business doing something you love. I know it’s possible, because I live it.

If you would like to break free of the Matrix programming and use this opportunity to transform (or start) your own business at the same time, consider this your invitation to join me.